Free, Online Resources to Learn Malayalam!
Learn Malayalam Language
Do you want to learn Malayalam? We would love to help!
Learning Malayalam Language is the best way to know and enjoy the beautiful state of Kerala, its people, traditions, and culture. is your bridge to learn the Malayalam language, culture, and traditions.
What exactly does this mean? Well, it's simple. We will share everything we know with you!
Learn Malayalam will help you to understand the basics of Malayalam - if you decide you like our Free Beginner lessons, check out Learn Malayalam Audio Book, our downloadable mp3s that offer even better lessons! Those lessons are much more detailed and in-depth, but also contain hundreds of audio phrases, almost like a lingaphone for Malayalam, and everything else needed to learn Malayalam. Malayalam Linguaphone
If you prefer a more interactive way to learn Malayalam, you may like our Interactive lessons
You may think to travel one day to this Tropical state on the far South West side of India - I assure you will not regret it! You will experience marvelous landscapes, fantastic weather and exotic food.
I understand what a challenge it can be to learn the language and culture of some place other than your own. My personal experience learning all about Kerala taught me the best ways of doing so, and I wish to share those! Throughout my personal studies, I ran across a few programs and other resources that I greatly enjoy, use, and believe are highly informative. For those of you who wish to take your Malayalam to the next level, please swing by the new store here for the best prices. Of course, everything else on the site is completely free. Don't worry! I will be your guide every step of the way. If you ever find yourself lost or cannot find something you are searching for, search no more! After all, this site works for YOU! That's right. This site works for you. If there is anything missing from this site that you believe would enhance the Malayalam learning experience of yourself and others, you can visit the recommendations page and let me know! I wish and hope that all of you can get out of this site what you want, and will try my best to provide each and every one of you with good, reliable information that you seek. Learning Malayalam can be challenging, but definitely not bad! It can in fact be extremely fun to learn. So why wait? Let's get started and begin to Learn Malayalam!
To navigate Learn Malayalam, you can simply use the navigation bar to the left. Or, if you prefer, there are links below to each of the sections with a brief description of what you will find in that section. Happy Learning!
